How to Sell Dog Food (or anything else)

How to Sell Dog Food (or anything else)

If there’s something I’ve learned after decades as a brand design professional, it’s this: “Simply communicate your relevant and unique offer.” Sounds easy, right? Let’s have a closer look. There are 3 major components to this, and if you don’t nail each one, I can...
The Simple Connection

The Simple Connection

There is no shortage of opinions out there about what a brand is, or how it works. It’s overwhelming. From the overly-simplistic “logo and colours” approach of inexperienced marketers, to the bloated, strategy-heavy scholarly methods that suck the life out of projects...
Brand Appreciation

Brand Appreciation

I’m writing this just after American Thanksgiving, and the most thanks I’m giving are of relief from the most relentless Black Friday advertising yet. Every year this insidious gimmick invades our consciousness, now even in those countries with no link whatever to...